The Voron Print It Forward program is our community's way of helping new builders have as smooth of a process as possible. By maintaining rigorous, defined standards for part providers, as well as having an initial vetting process, we can ensure people receive high quality, functional parts. If you are not equipped to print ABS, or do not trust your current print quality, the PIF program makes it so that you still can build a Voron.
Parts Sets are done on a first come/first serve basis, at cost plus shipping. Our intent is not to make money, but to help the community move forward.
"We build space shuttles with gardening tools so anyone can have a space shuttle of their own."
A VORON PIF set contains all the printed parts required for a functioning printer to be assembled (this means skirts, panel mounts, handles and the display are not included).
After you submit your request, you will be placed in a queue. When it is your turn, one of the providers will contact you to confirm details before printing your parts.
Once the set is ready to ship, you will coordinate with the provider on payment and shipping information and after the payment is complete your parts will be shipped!
Voron 0.2 Full Parts Kit:
80 USD/EUR + Shipping
Voron Trident Functional Parts Kit:
110 USD/EUR + Shipping
Voron 2.4 Functional Parts Kit:
110 USD/EUR + Shipping
Voron Switchwire Functional Parts Kit:
70 USD/EUR + Shipping
Prices as of January 2023